Get Knitted


This is a website that I created for assignment 2 of my 'Web Design Principles' module. I was provided with a couple of images and told to create an XHTML Strict and CSS Valid website based on the design given. Requirements of the assignment included a 'fluid design', use of an overlaying script (LightBox) and inclusion of a hCard. For the extra innovation marks I added use of the Flickr and Twitter API's to the homepage.

Built at

UWE Bristol


Dan Dixon, UWE Course Leader

An inspiration to both his teachers and classmates, Steve gets the web, and the concepts of building applications that make best use of the networked, data-driven aspects of the internet, an asset to any company that he works for.

Dan Dixon, UWE Course Leader

Paul Hulbert, UWE Lecturer

Great to work with - Steve relates well to people, not just technology.

Paul Hulbert, UWE Lecturer